Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Having fun with eucalyptus leaves

Earlier this year, while in San Diego, I collected a bunch of eucalyptus leaves and brought them home, thinking maybe I could do something with them.

Well, I was right, and am having fun creating fancifully-colored pictures of these simple and elegant leaves.

Whenever appropriate, I'll make both a square and a rectangular version of the picture, offering my clients a choice, and that's what you see in the last two images.

Wishing you simplicity, elegance, and peace this holiday season!

Images copyright ©2019 Carol Leigh.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Unintentional art . . .

Loading groceries into the car and suddenly I noticed how all the lines in the parking lot reflected onto the car, totally distorted and swirling around. It probably helps that the car is black, enhancing the abstract, artsy look.

iPhone photo.

Image copyright ©2019 Carol Leigh