Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Beauty in simplicity . . .

 It's a good time of year to wander around outside and find lovely things on the ground, little jewels of beauty that most people will never notice.

So when I saw this leaf, I thought of it as a gift, a little story about the changing seasons, our changing lives, and the passing of time.

 Copyright ©2020 Carol Leigh

Wednesday, October 14, 2020


A month or so ago I made a little book, a "zine." It was fun to do and I envision making more. I have another in progress but, with my ever-shortening attention span, I've begun doing other things. But let me show you this book, my first. I kind of like how it turned out, even though I really was clueless about what I was doing at the time.

The zine was done on one side of a piece of paper, folded, cut once, then folded again.

One piece of paper, folded, with a little piece of abstract art in each section. Then you cut into one side, refold, and that's it! There are lots of instructions for doing this online, so I won't go into that here.

So then I figured I needed a pouch, a pocket, to keep my zine "safe." So here you go. A little glue, a button, and done! A fun project for these weird times.

All images Copyright ©2020 by Carol Leigh.