I had forgotten how much fun it was to create these Polaroid emulsion transfers. And a lot of the fun came from the fact that each one is unique. Each time the emulsion was placed onto the watercolor paper, different wrinkles and degrees of wonkiness would appear. The cat (isn't the backlit fuzziness cool?) was photographed in New Zealand; the surfers stand along the shore at The Wedge in Newport Beach, California; and the tulips bloomed in a cemetery in Oakland, California.
Does anyone know if this can be done with our digital images some way? I don't mean using a Photoshop faux Polaroid border, but a physical way of getting an already-taken digital image onto a piece of Polaroid film and then running it through the standard emulsion-transfer-float-it-off-in-warm-water process? Guess it's one more thing for me to research, but if anyone has a quick answer, please let me know. Thanks! ©Carol Leigh