Friday, April 22, 2011

Not according to plan . . .

A curtain of rain drifts across the Columbia River.
Tree silhouetted against the Columbia River.
Sunlight through the rain, taken through a wet, screened window in the Roadtrek.
Dramatic early morning sunlight and shadows in Hood River.
Camping along the Columbia River. We were the only ones there. Very green, very quiet (except for the trains!).
Mt. Hood looked particularly good.

Well, the plan was two-fold: shoot stock photography in the Columbia River Gorge (primarily wildflowers on the Rowena Plateau and flowering fruit trees in the Hood River area), and take "Bart" on a quick shake-down cruise.

Bart performed admirably. Alas, the wildflowers were nonexistent and the trees had yet to come into bloom. Even though we'd visited this area on April 27th a number of years ago, this April was markedly different.

Any day out and about, however, is a good one, so no complaints! ©Carol Leigh