These three photos were taken in Hawaii, Lake Tahoe, and Oregon. Can you tell which is which? Because there's no bright light, no shadows, you can see that the top photo was taken in delightfully overcast light in Oregon. The middle photo, also lacking in shadows, but painted with a tropical flair, was taken in Hawaii, in the shade. And then finally there's one with a well-defined shadow that was shot under brutally sunny skies at Lake Tahoe.
Each image has both horizontal and diagonal movement. The handle in the first image diagonates toward the southeast; the handle in the second picture is horizontal, but the painted elements head southwest/northeast; and the bottom photo features a horizontal handle, a horizontal door frame element, but the shadow has a mind of its own.
Although I usually prefer soft light, I gotta say I'm always delighted when bold shadows created by bright sunlight add a strong compositional element.
Wishing you all good light, no matter which light you prefer. ©Carol Leigh