Bird update . . .
So cool, being this close to little lives being born and growing up. I told my friend Bruce K., in South Carolina, that I didn't know what bird this was -- they're always hidden in the hydrangea bush or else zooming by faster than the speed of light. She's an expert, so I took these two shots this afternoon to send to her. They are HUGE crops from the photograph immediately below them, and still remarkably sharp.
I'm waiting for word back from Bruce.
And then the last photo (iPhone) is the "state of the nest" as of this afternoon. Three little chicks all facing the same direction. Too cute.
©Carol Leigh
All text, photographs, and other media are ©Copyright Carol Leigh (or others when indicated) and are not in the public domain and may not be used on websites, blogs, or in other media without advance permission from Carol Leigh.