It seems as if it's been snowing for weeks! And there is more to come.
We're sort of stuck at home because there's only one way out on our road, and there's a big "dip" in the middle where you run the risk of sliding down into the dip and then not having enough traction to go up the other side and off to civilization.
There's only one snow removal truck on the island (rarely does snow linger here) and it concentrates mainly on the highway and in more populated areas. We will never see it. And so we do what we can and simply wait for our road to thaw.
Luckily there have been no power outages so far, no wind -- just a light, fluffy accumulation of snow. And it's magical.
This is a panorama shot from the deck, taken with an iPhone, showing what our back yard looks like.
Like I said . . . magical.
All text, photographs, and other media are ©Copyright Carol Leigh (or
others when indicated) and are not in the public domain and may not be
used on websites, blogs, or in other media without advance permission
from Carol Leigh. Thank you for your understanding and kindness.