Monday, June 11, 2012

Astoria, Oregon (1 of 3)

Chris and I are conducting a photo workshop in Astoria, Oregon this coming September 16-19, 2012, and, whether you can join us or not, I thought you'd like to see some images I've taken there. Fair warning! There will be nine more photos tomorrow, and nine more the day after that!

What I love about the town is the variety of photo possibilities, from fishing boats, old pilings sticking out of the water, Victorian homes, architectural details, lots of murals, a beautiful bridge, boat traffic along the Columbia River, old World War II bunkers, and much more.

Registration is $560 per person; non-photographing spouses, friends, sidekicks, compadres, partners, are welcome to join you for an additional $50. Your registration fee includes instruction throughout, critiques and comments during the course of the workshop, and a group dinner. The itinerary and accommodation information will be sent to you upon registration.

To sign up online, click