Back in 2012, I won a bid on eBay. Someone in Europe was selling 14,000 Czech matchbox labels. 14,000! I debated whether or not to bid, and, encouraged by two alleged friends, I entered a low amount, and to their surprise and delight I won the bid. And I'm thinking, uh-oh.
They (the labels) arrived a couple weeks later, all packaged nicely, sort of like Saltines when they used to be in those long, waxed-paper-like tubes.
I began poring over these small pieces of paper like some crazed philatelist, dividing them into groups of like subject matter, wondering what the hell am I going to do with these now? There were five in particular that depicted sports. I liked the overall simplicity of the artwork and the interesting color palette.
So here you see how the matchbox label looked originally, and then you see how I added a background, adding a bit more size and a bit more drama.
I’d not thought of these labels until today, when I was looking for examples of the color orange — my Photomotivation assignment for the month of March. Looking at more of the labels, I’ve got even more ideas. One down, only 13,999 more to go!
All text, photographs, and other media are ©Copyright Carol Leigh (or
others when indicated) and are not in the public domain and may not be
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from Carol Leigh. Thank you for your understanding and kindness.