Late in the afternoon it was very overcast and sprinkling a bit -- a drop here, a drop there. I went out into the yard to see what I could find.
Apparently deer aren't too fond of sage (at least I think that's what this is) because there's a big mound of it nestled against some rocks with nary a bite taken out of it.
And then I liked the pattern on the side of the woodpile. "Use these in the fire pit, Carol, don't bring them inside for the fireplace" warned the former owner. Why? I should have asked. But I'll take his word for it.
And then these are the few hosta leaves and flowers that the deer (and rabbits) haven't eaten (yet). I'm hoping that they'll eventually turn brown, dry up, and curl oh-so-artistically for future photos. (The hosta leaves, not the rabbits and deer.)
Roasted tomato basil soup (made with locally grown and harvested fresh basil) and a salad for dinner. Not bad.
©Carol Leigh
All text, photographs, and other media are ©Copyright Carol Leigh (or others when indicated) and are not in the public domain and may not be used on websites, blogs, or in other media without advance permission from Carol Leigh. Thank you!