You know what's cool about living here? In about six minutes we can be at the Keystone ferry terminal, can walk aboard, ride about 35 minutes across the passage to Port Townsend, a touristy yet historic town with a nautical vibe that has all sorts of things to shoot. And aside from the short trip to the ferry terminal, no cars are involved.
As we wandered around one day, I found a wall where a poster had been glued and then, later, partially torn off. Perfect. I also found a big "C" painted on another wall. Perfect again.
So this morning I was riffling through my photos, tweaked both the poster photo and the picture of the "C," added a few pieces of torn paper of my own, waved my magic wand, and created this heavily textured and grungy letter "C."
I'm drawn lately to a palette of blue and brown, warm and cold, and like how this photomontage combines my alphabetical predilections, grunge-o-philia, and my color palette du jour.
©Carol Leigh
All text,
photographs, and other media are ©Copyright Carol Leigh (or others when
indicated) and are not in the public domain and may not be used on
websites, blogs, or in other media without advance permission from Carol
Leigh. Thank you!