No rain yesterday, so we headed up the coast to run some errands and, as usual, got sidetracked, this time at the marina at South Beach. For the most part, the boats moored at South Beach are pleasure boats, with very little of the weathered-ness and grunge of the working boats across the bay in Newport, making it (for me) a bit more of a challenge to photograph. I loved the way this barnacle-encrusted buoy looked suspended slightly above the low tide. And then the unusual symmetry of coiled lines also caught my eye.

Lunch at Georgie's overlooking the ocean, which was a beautiful blue with long horizontal sets of waves lazily breaking off in the distance. On the way back we checked out the new
Beaver Creek State Natural Area, which will be terrific to photograph on a less sunny, more moody day.
And then the Lakers won last night. Life is good. ©Carol Leigh