I have a folder in the computer called “Works in Progress,” a place where I put images that I’ve been working on but that aren’t quite finished, or I’m not quite sure about, images that I’ve worked hours on but darned if I’m going to toss them out quite yet. I should rename the folder “Optimism.”
Today’s “3” began in 2013. And it began as the letter “C.” But desperate times call for desperate measures, so I turned the “C” into a “3” and called it done!
I like it both as a full-frame image and as a square, so it’s presented here twice. Three squared.
©Carol Leigh
All text, photographs, and other media are ©Copyright Carol Leigh (or others when indicated) and are not in the public domain and may not be used on websites, blogs, or in other media without advance permission from Carol Leigh. Thank you!