Just one more day to go! Hooray! There’s nothing really special about this “3.” It’s my favorite fishing boat “3” that I’ve used in so many of this month’s photos. This time I combined it with a photo I took of the shadows in a room, where two walls and a ceiling come together. The complementary colors of blue and orange are appealing, as is the shadowing.
I’ve already done tomorrow’s final “3” picture. Did it this morning just to have the whole thing out of the way and done with.
So are you sick of “3’s?” (Now there’s a punctuation smorgasbord!) Yeah. So am I. Am I tempted to continue with “4’s” in April? Let me think . . . NO!
©Carol Leigh
All text,
photographs, and other media are ©Copyright Carol Leigh (or others when
indicated) and are not in the public domain and may not be used on
websites, blogs, or in other media without advance permission from Carol
Leigh. Thank you!